If you need something fixed or want annual servicing on your gear, we can take care of it. Our factory certified technicians can perform annual and warranty service on Aqualung, ScubaPro, Oceanic, Hollis, Sherwood, Genesis, Atomic, Mares, APEX, Cressi, and many more. We also service Inspiration, Poseidon Se7en and Prism2 rebreathers.
Part of Honolulu Scuba Company’s retail footprint is dedicated to a service center. During most weekday hours you will be able to ask to speak to a technician who will be in the back at one of our workbenches. Frankly, you will not find this in most dive shops and you may find out that your gear is being shuffled around the island to some place off site. That will not happen here. We complete, and stand behind, our own work.
Come ask for a 2 minute tour at 670 Auahi Street – Honolulu Scuba Company.

How does gear servicing work at Honolulu Scuba Company?
Simple, when you drop off your items you will be charged for the labor for service at that time. Currently, $39 per stage or $117 for a regulator with a 1st and second stage with alternate air source 2nd stage. Parts will be charged when you pick up your regulator, of course if you have a regulator with free parts you should bring the regulator in with the appropriate documentation about the free parts you received at purchase.
How long does equipment servicing take?
If we have the parts in stock, (and we have a lot of parts in stock), then your regulator will be done in one week. Regardless, you will receive a phone call within the week, usually within 3 days. Regulators that need repairs that may require us to order parts, the technician will communicate that with you within the week. Visual inspections are one week or less, but hydrostatic tests, (required every 5 years for tanks), may be up to three weeks.
Can I get same day service for my scuba equipment?
We offer you the opportunity to make a service booking in advance. To schedule the booking, please contact our service manager, Matt Kuderik, at the email address provided below.
Let us know which regulator model or gear type you are bringing in when you fill out the appointment form. Turn in your equipment in before 10am the day of your appointment, and we will have it done by 4pm same day. There is no fee for booking the service, however normal service rates apply.
Email our Service Center Manager 2 weeks ahead of the same day service date of your choice service@honoluluscubarepair.com.
I have a question about equipment service. Who can I talk to?
Matthew Kuderik is the service manager, if you have any questions about the service department, you may contact him. If you have a large lot of equipment to turn in, or technical equipment like OTS underwater comms, DPVs, or rebreathers, it is good idea to start communication in advance of drop off so that we reserve time to service your equipment in a timely manner. Matt Kuderik can be reached at service@honoluluscubarepair.com.
3 Reasons to Have Your Regulator Serviced
- You can’t remember the last time you did it. Don’t worry, you are not the first or the last to admit this. However, if you can’t remember when the last service had been, then you definitely need a service.
- You are not as diligent as you should be about cleaning your regulator after every dive. We get it, you just had some epic dives and the last thing you want is to spend time cleaning your gear like you should. So instead you do a quick dunk in the tank and call it good. Sorry to burst your bubble, but is sticky stuff. If you don’t clean your equipment as you should, then your regulator could probably use some service. Bring it to us and we will make it like new.
- Things just don’t feel right. The truth is that even the most expensive regulators can start to act strange after several dives. This is even more true if you dive often or are relaxed with cleaning. At the first sign of trouble, come in and let us take a look. It may just be a lose screw or it could be something bigger… either way, we will fix you up and have you out diving with confidence in no time.